Positions Name
9th Ananya Medhi
Letter Marks
Assamese 50 Computer Science 16 Out of 24
English 59 Sanskrit  NA
General Science 60 Hindi  10 Out of 13
Social Science 49 Dance  07 Out of 11
General Mathematics 68 Fine Arts  06 Out of 09
Adv. Mathematics 34 Out of 42 Geography 11 Out of 22
History 02 Out of 03 Music 03 Out of 03
 Letters :Total no of Candidates 127
No. of candidates appeared 127
No. of candidates passed 127
Distinction 37
Star 39
1st Division 111
2nd Division 16
3rd Division nil
Compartmental nil
Fail nil
State Highest
Name Subject
Pratim Sarma Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Ananya Medhi Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Anushmita Barman Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Bhaswati Choudhury Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Bishalakshyee Sarma Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Kaushik Sarma Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Kaustav B Arya Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Kuldeep Bhattacharyya Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Pratim Sarma Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Ananya Medhi Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Bhaswati Choudhury Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Oyanashree Goswami Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Swapnali Devi Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)