The teacher-student ratio is maintained at 1:20. A fixed number of 40 students are admitted into each section of a class.

There are two sections in Pre-school, three sections in classes I to V and four sections in classes VI to X. one more section opened in Ankur.

- The examination schedule consists of one unit tests before the half-yearly examination and one unit test before the annual examination. Special tests are held for the students of class IX and X.
- Students in the Pre-school (2-year duration) have been being admitted through lottery since 1994.
- Students are not subjected to any test in the Pre-school. Their developments are observed on a continuous basis and evaluation done as per NCERT guidlines
- Written test begins in class I.
- Students are not given any ranking till class IV.
- Students perform experiments in the science laboratory from class III to class VII on the basis of practical books authored by the teachers. Every student performs about 15 experiments in one year. The performance of the students is assessed.
- Spoken English is a part of everyday routine from class V. The syllabus, framed by the school, is graded to enable a student to be proficient by class VIII . Speaking capability is assessed.
- Assam History is taught, additionally, in the classes V to VII, and the subject becomes a part of the examination process. The text is prepared by the school.
- The students are introduced to the lives of the great scientists in the classes of V to VII. A specially prepared text caters to the need of the programme. A student has to take a part of paper in a year.
- Computer Science classes are held in VII and VIII. The students are assessed twice a year online.
- Lessons from History of Science are taught to the students of class VIII. The teachers hold counselling classes on the basis of a specially prepared book.
- The students of class IX attend laboratory works on electronics and mechanics. They demonstrate, at the end of the year, what they learn through the kits they prepare.
- Geography, Computer Science, Music, Advanced Mathematics and History are offered as Elective Subjects from class VIII.
- The school follows a unique practice in which the students are not required to bring textbooks to the class (when needed, students are advised to bring books for specific reason).
- Each teacher assumes the responsibility of counseling of 10 – 15 students, on all matters, continuously for a period of six years as they move from class V to class X.
- Guardians Meet is held for each class once a year. They are invited to freely express their mind about the teaching-learning process.
- The guardians are clearly advised not to appoint private tutors as the school teachers are capable of taking care of the students.
- The school’s performance is consistently very good in the HSLC examinations. The school topped in 2008, and has a significant number of rank-holders and highest marks in different subjects.
- Two one-day Orientation Programmes are held every year for the teaching staff of the school, attended by invited Resource Persons.
- Bakhar, the school magazine is published annually with both students and teachers on the Editorial Board.