Positions Name
6th Priti Parmita
10th Ankur Jyoti Goswami
Letter Marks
Assamese 85 Computer Science 61 Out of 65
English 121 Sanskrit 1 Out of 1
General Science 73 Hindi 4 Out of 4
Social Science 68 Dance 1 Out of 2
General Mathematics 61 Fine Arts 1 Out of 2
Adv. Mathematics 61 Out of 69
Total no of Letters         : 537
No. of candidates appeared 143
No. of candidates passed 143
Distinction 37
Star 62
1st Division 138
2nd Division 5
3rd Division nil
Compartmental nil
Fail nil
State Highest
Name Subject
Kankan Goswami Gen. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Kankan Goswami Gen. Science (100 Marks)
Akashdeep Deka Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)
Priti Parmita Adv. Mathematics (100 Marks)